My Office Cab

My ride back home:
The work at office was hectic I looked at the time on the office clock. 11:15 pm. I had a customer message to solve. I had started working from 8 am in the morning and I was dead tired at 11:15 in the middle of the
night I could not understand a single line of code written by me, let alone trying to figure out other's code. It all looked like matrix stuff. Something went wrong with our software bought by our customer.

Probably some smart ass changed some lines of code and the entire program went into infinite loop and now it’s up to me (offshore team as they would call it) to save the world here. I looked around from my cubicle, emptiness an array of empty tables and chairs, monitors , phones, white boards filled with threatening undecipherable algorithms, empty conference rooms where fiery heated discussions and exchange of ideas from one brain to another

I had taken place were now the only silent spectators to my quest to solve these bugs tonight. No living creature in sight near and far. Probably they were all sleeping comfortably in their bed. My manager had a heart made of pure 24 carat solid stone.He left sharp at 5 pm in his newly bought Honda city to avoid traffic. But before leaving he send his last e-mail addressed to me cc'ing the customer that the issue will be solved by EOD no matter what (of course end of day meant that my day should only end when the issue is solved even if it took me whole night and the next day morning to finish this.  He came by my seat before leaving and gave me his dumb smile. He did not have a clue what the issue was but he acted in such a way that if the issue had it been addressed to him he could have solved it in 10 mins straight. Hey Deeps! That’s his style of addressing me, short form for Deepti I think it won’t take long right?

Piece of cake for you: I kind a have a feeling that whenever he talks to me he looks at my breasts rather than my face. With my appraisal just around the corner I could do nothing but to give him my "Colgate" smile. His stare was still fixed on my breasts. He somehow got back to his senses and forced his eyes to look at my lips to be more exact. Mail me the status before you leave, dont forget that ok? I nodded and he smiled again and he left.

Here I was now still trying to fix this bug. My neck hurt like hell. My backbone was so strained that it could crumble anytime. My fingers hit the keyboard and it sounded like what? Typewriters! How hard do they make this keyboard nowadays? My brain had given up on this issue long back but I knew I had to somehow finish this. I went back to debugging. At close to 11:51 on my computer screen I finally figured out the solution.

Though it was quite simple I was in a state of bliss my neural network which understands logic still works. Thank God for that I jumped around in my cubicle I would have happily ran naked screaming eureka all around the office but that's madness.Couple of more years doing coding and I would reach that state too. Earlier today morning i randomly picked a shirt and a long skirt for work from my cupboard.

I felt so lazy to even choose a proper dress. This shirt was so loose fitting now. That’s cos I had lost a couple of kilos after I joined gym. I weighed 52 now pretty ok for my 5 ft 6 inch tall frame. I was 24 now and my mom had put up my new reduced weight pic in some stupid matrimony site along with the older one. Now my matrimony profile looked like some advertisement for some weight reduction programme.
Like those before and after sticker ad's that you find on some lamp-posts on the roadside. One picture in which, I looked kind of plump around my belly area and the other one where I was slim and trim. God save my mom and she gets these stupid calls from some junk punks who consider themselves nothing less than hunks asking for my hand in marriage nice try, mister!

I reject them outright much to my mom's disappointment, leaving that aside now, coming back to the office, thanks to the cost cutting measures in my company they promptly switch off the damn AC's at 6 pm. It got so hot that i had removed the top two buttons of my shirt. Though it did no good but i felt a bit relaxed as the air flowed in through the openings on top of my shirt and also through the sides of the sleeves. I wrote a long mail to the customer cc'ing my manager on how complex the issue was.

Of course the mail will have the time stamp which means they will know I was up late night. Happy with today work I called the security guard at the gate and asked him to allot me a cab home. We had this late night drop facility if in case some poor girl like me got dumped with work and had to fight all night to solve some nasty godforsaken issues that no one wants to take up.

The security called my extension and told me that there were no more official office cabs left so he had to arrange for some local cab service for my drop. It wilI take him some time before he could arrange me one I just wanted to hit my bed and sleep like a log. I dozed off in my seat. The office phone rang nonstop till my brain sensed some faint sound and ordered myself to come to my senses to pick it up. Hello, I murmurred.
The security had found me a cabbie that would drop me home at this ungodly hr. My watch read 12:17 am. My house was little far away from office. Takes me 1hour 45 mins to reach home in traffic but today I was hoping to reach in 1 hr at this time of the night. I packed up my stuff. I took the elevator down to the reception. I signed the register near the gate and the security guard pointed me to a white Tata Indica parked near the gate.

I went near the car the front door was open for me to sit. But there was no driver in sight. I sat in the front seat and pressed the horn. Coming, maimsaab, I heard the voice. I saw a man emerging out of the bush. He was taking a leak oooooh bloody hell! In my confusion to get home I had forgotten to take a leak myself. Out of the blue my bladders felt heavy as if some unknown force refilled my kidney with urine like those bartenders fill

Those pitchers with beer automatically when it’s empty in pubs forcing us to drink more and pay more. What a stupid comparison to state! I finally decided to hold on to all the liquid waste inside me till I reach home. The cab came and sat, closed his door. Touched the feet of a Ganesha's idol fixed on his front panel and murmured a silent prayer before turning on the ignition. Nice guy! I confirmed in my mind.

Normally they should send a security guard along with me but noone accompanied me today. But this cabbie looked decent with all praying and stuff. I decided not to panic and get some sleep on the way back. I opened the window and leaned back on the seat. Not much comfortable but the breeze started hitting my body and i felt cold as my sweat evaporated. I felt better. I opened window fully.

As he drove faster the wind started hitting me with stronger force. "You can adjust the seat, madam. The Cabbie spoke. He pointed me to a lever which pulls my seat backwards. Ofcourse i knew abt it. I pushed it back and now my seat became a semi sleeper bed. Nice, I leaned back and closed my eyes tried to get some much needed sleep. But the wind hit me hard. I had not tucked in my shirt,

Actually my shirt ended where my skirt started. I had not worn any slip inside. I wore a bra. The wind was trying to lift my shirt up and there was danger of my entire stomach being exposed to the driver. I held on to the shirt hard not allowing it to rise. But the wind was hitting me harder every second. I decided to close the window. I asked the cabbie to put on the AC. Non AC cab madam. Now it was like a toaster inside.
Nothing moved. The heat radiated from the engine making me sweat again. There was water in my bag and I drank it in a gulp. What a stupid thing to do. Shit! My bladder gave me an error message now, before it just showed a warning. We techies usually ignore the warning messages blindly. But error messages have to be solved. Now it sounded like a "Stack overflow exception where on mother India have you seen a toilet on the highway when you needed one urgently.

I prayed to god to make this drive back home faster. I was getting boiled alive inside the car.I was tired my eyes were drowsy and I feeling suffocated. The driver never gave a damn about my condition. He kept driving pretending like I never even existed. Can’t blame him, even he wanted to get back home. He looked like someone in mid 30's, father of 2 small kids probably, No much thank god.

He did not fit the looks of a psychopath serial killer who hunts overworked, underpaid, bladderfull, suffocated, tortured, drowsy programmer on her way back home in the middle of the night nor did he? To hell with my thoughts I decided not to be so paranoid anymore. All I knew was that I will die in here with everything so hot. I decided to open my side of the window.

The wind came back and hit my face with full force I layed back on my seat. The wind now again got back to its previous job of lifting my shirt up. I kept my hand on my stomach. I had to apply some amount of force to keep the shirt from getting lifted. This was draining all my energy. I cursed myself for wearing this shirt today. I closed my eyes and slowly let the sleep take control of me. My hands started loosening its grip on the shirt.

My hands slowly slide away from my stomach, letting the wind take control of my body. I was too tired to resist. I could feel the wind hitting against the bare flesh of my stomach. It actually felt very nice. I had worn the skirt far below my belly button I knew I had to do something to cover my stomach but the feeling was so powerful that I let the wind touch me all over my stomach.

I regained my senses soon I was in a state of semi undress the wind had worked hard and lifted my shirt to the maximum extend possible till above my ribs. My skirt was loosely tied around my waist. I was sure the faint hair growth was surely visble. I immediately pulled down my shirt to cover my navel but the damage was done for sure and how long has this guy seen me like this? I looked at the watch still 12:40.

Probably for 7 minutes I would have dozed off. I looked at the driver there was no emotions on his face. Zombie movies would have been inspired by people like him. I again leaned back to my seat. The driver had also lowered the window at his side. There is no point now fighting with the wind, I relaxed and lay back. The wind immediately lifted my shirt high above revealing my navel. This time I did nothing to pull it down.
To hell with the driver and he has seen me in this state before. What’s the point of hiding it now. I tried to relax chai? The cabbie spoke again. What chai? He said he was feeling sleepy so needed one to stay awake. I said no. The thought of chai again made my bladder send a shooting pain to my pussy. I clutched my stomach. He looked at my stomach and then again to my face?

Do you have stomach pain, madam? I was actually letting this guy take a free view of my exposed navel now. I said No. The pain in my kidney was unbearable now and reached a stage where i ll end up dirtying his cab. I gathered up some courage and told him that i wanted to use the toilet urgently. He looked at my stomach again and said that there is no public toilet anywhere and i should use the bushes like he did.
I said no way. I ll hold on till we reached. He nodded and continued driving. The feeling was unconrollable now. I looked at the driver. He said there is a chai stall nearby and he will buy one chai and park the vehicle further away and pretend like he is drinking chai and meanwhile I can go and take my leak by walking little further away from the main road. Sounds intelligent! But will it work?

I asked him to stop where there will be no type of life forms within 1 km radius where I am going to pee. He gave me a disgusted nod. He stopped the car and bought 2 plastic glass filled with chai. He asked me to hold it. He told me even I can have the chai after taking the leak. Whatever I was dead scared now. Considering the fact that I let this cabbie see my navel show for free I should accept that now I have gained some experience in public exposing.

He stopped the car in a deserted area of course the vehicles behind us continue to speed past us. Had they known what I am up to, they would have surely slowed down to get their quota of free show.Educated, modern, sober woman pissing on the roadside. Wah! What publicity I gave him back the chai glass I kept my chai in front of the dashboard in front of me. I looked nervously all around. He looked at me and at his watch.

If you wait some more time Madam and you can piss in broad day light. Oh, he is making fun of me now. Yes, Yes, has your fun too I thought in my mind. I got out of the car. I started walking towards some bushes off the road.Madam! He called me from behind. I got scared and ran back to the car. What happened? Did someone come? No he replied incase if someone comes what will you do? He asked me?
I said i’ll run back to the car. What else? He looked at me again but did not speak back. I was getting frustrated now my stomach will burst any moment now. What, I shouted at him? Say it. He looked down and said? How can you run fast with your underwear between your legs? What? Oh ho like that? He was worried I will loose time to pull up my panty in case someone sees me.

So what should I do? I ll switch off the lights you can remove it here and keep it here in the car, wtf? I was shocked to hear this. I mean agreed he saw my navel, but come to think of this, every women's navel is exposed to a certain extend when they wear saree nothing to be ashamed off, but removing panty in front of a cabbie is a horror story. No, I told him. I am sorry madam; I was just worried about your safety that’s all.
Damn it! Why is this guy like this Ok, I said but, in one condition, you will not look this side. No problem madam.Actually my panty was wet and I did not want him to see it. What am I doing at 1 am siting inside this cab. I inserted my hand from below the skirt as I lifted my hand to reach for my panty. I realized that in this process I am also lifting my skirt along with my hand.

When my hand reached my thighs, even my skirt had also been lifted exposing my thigh. I looked at the driver and he was looking at the other direction. I cannot lift my skirt all the way up to my panty its stupidity. I let the skirt remain lifted till up to my thighs. I undid the knot of my skirt. Loosened it and inserted both my hands and pulled down my panty.

It was such a sloppy action that if the cabbie was looking he could have seen my entire assests clearly. I tried to calm myself down. I started taking long breaths. With some effort I pulled down my panty. I kept the panty back in my bag. But before I could tie the knot of my skirt and pull down the skirt from below my thighs. The cabbie turned towards me and asked if I am done. I screamed.

I tried to pull down my skirt hard but in that haste my hand hit the chai glass kept in front of me and the entire chai fell all over my shirt and skirt. I jumped as a reflex and my panty slid down further revealing the driver most portion of my ass. The cabbie in the confusion and tension automatically brought forward his hand and tried to wipe away the chai from my skirt pulling it further down bringing my vagina in his full view.
There was shock in his eyes. The pain of the hot tea touching my stomach and thighs was also unbearable. I went into hysteria and desperately tried to cover my modesty but it did no good as I stepped on my long skirt thereby pulling it further down. The driver understood my state of mind and clutched both my arms and told me to stop panicking. It’s alright I tried to cover my pussy with my hands. He again pressed both my arms with his hands and told me to calm down.

I regained my senses. There I was with my shirt lifted and my skirt half way down sitting in front of the unknown person. I stared at him. He opened a small compartment on his car and took out and cloth. He slowly wiped the chai from my navel. I was in a state of shock. I was drained and had no power to react. He sensed that. He removed my hand covering my vagina and slowly wiped the chai from there too.
He then slowly pulled down my skirt and removed it from below my legs. I was numb. He spread my legs apart and wiped the cloth in between my things and also wiped my vagina.I was sitting bottomless in a car now with this driver touching my private parts. Madam he shook me again. I did nothing to cover my vagina and he has seen me naked below my stomach.

No need of going to the bushes to pee, Madam, He said.. He stretched his hand and from back seat he pulled out a 1.5 ltr Miranda bottle and gave it to me. I gave him a confused look and he kept the bottle in between my legs and pressed the nozzle part near my pee hole. I was ashamed and humiliated, little aroused, can’t deny that, but yes, i peed inside that bottle with him watching me.

My mouth was dry and no words came out. It was like watcing a movie in mute. He took the bottle from me and closed it with a lid and threw it out of the window. It was 1:20 am and the roads were near deserted. I sat bottomless in the car too shocked to say anything. He then raised the window near my side. It was a black tinted glass and also raised the one in his side. My skirt was lying in the back seat.

He started the car and took it forward. I made no attempt to wear my skirt. I sat with my legs spread in the front seat. He stopped the car in a corner of a road. He then slowly made me lie back on my seat and pulled it back to the maximum extend possible. I was now lying flat on the seat. He slowly kept his hand on my thighs. I did not have the power to take his hand off.

My mind screamed that this was all wrong but I did nothing. He brought his hand and started removing my shirt buttons. He removed all my buttons and spread my shirt apart. I wore a black bra inside. He lifted me gently and removed my shirt. He slowly unhooked my bra from behind and removed that too. I lay stark naked in front of him. He bends forward and started massaging my breasts.

I left out a moan that’s the first sound that came out of me after a long time. He bend forward and started sucking my nipple this hand started fingering my pussy my vagina was so wet and it had expanded to accomodate not two but three of his fingers. I felt a shrudder through me as his fingers found my G Spot. I shivered and shook in his arms as he sucked my pussy clean. I was in such a state that i least cared about anyone seeing us in this state.

There was sound of the zip opening and I realized that I am going to get my first sex. But the cabbie did not insert his tiger in to me but pulled me towards him. I brought my face close to his penis. I was so aroused that I sucked his swollen head of his penis and drank his entire sperm when he cum. He fingered me again till I got multiple orgasms. I lay spent, naked next to the driver. He dressed but did not let me dress up.
He kept carressing me all the way home. When we neared my house and he openned his pant and I again asked for his much needed last blowjob and he kept pressing my breasts and licking my navel. I finally got the will to get out of the car and go home. I slept peacefully in my house. Shit! I did not even ask his name. I don’t care much though. Life is simple Enjoy it. Let’s not complicate it unnecessarily.

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